I draw therefore, I am!

the fact is no matter how good or how bad it is, when it comes to art, someone will like it and someone else will hate it...
I've drawn pictures for clients that I personally thought were sub-par, but...that's what they wanted, that's what they liked, and who am I to argue.
So...if you like to draw, to paint, to air-brush, or whatever media you prefer, and someone comes along and goes ' Eeewwwww, that's awful! ' what 10 minutes and someone else will come by and say ' Geee, hey, that's pretty good! '
The worst critic is usually the artist him/her self...personally, I have never drawn anything I have been completely satisfied with...there is always something I could have done better or improved upon...
the day I draw the perfect piece...is the day there is no more ground to improve upon...once you have that perfect piece...where else do you go?
Eg ;)