
As an art form illustration isn't something normally considered fine art or wall's not supposed to be either.
As an art form it has it's own qualifications and it's own little nitch.
It can be subtle or quite dramatic, simple or complex; it can be a pencil drawing or a colorful piece of art made with anything from charcoal to watercolors.
It was the first of all art...from the cave drawings to the word-art of the ancient Egyptians.
High School Sports

It's amazing the difference between how Canadians and Americans veiw High School Sports...
In Canada they are virtually looked upon the same as Grade School're lucky if there's 80 people in the stands...and they're all related to the players or connected to the team.
In America they are veiwed with the same excitement as College sports...there can be 1000's of people in the stands...all hyped-up and into they're watching the Super Bowl.