Mel's Photography Studio
Well...what can you say about this except...very well done mg!
Even though an artist in her own right with her great photography...
mg also has a very vivid imagination which can be seen in her photo
light displays.
If you haven't checked out her blog...then you are missing out on
some extremely good pictures.
Eg ;)
Congrats The Anti-Lounge!!! did it :D ...1000+ veiws and gaining strength every day!
Mostly due to mg, debs, Undies, and jinxy's posts.
I expect Mel's photography Studio to be the next to reach 1000 by the end of the month at the rate it's going :D
Eg ;)
Tales from the Convenience Store
Well...I transferred lce's stories to The Cave...sad to see it go, it was real popular for a very short doubt due to the good story-telling talents of the lce less than four days it gained almost 100 veiws ( from the time I included the stat counter )...but only 11 veiws since Sept 21st...I plan to save the template I made just in case he decides to change his mind...
until then.
Eg ;)

Well...2000 baby! :D
We've only been up and running since August 20th...and I didn't install the counters until days later...some not until well into October...not too shabby for only 74 days in existence!
Mel's Photography Studio and The Anti-Lounge are getting fantastic a couple more months at the rate they're getting they'll surpass this Blog. ;)
The Und3rtak3r's Realm is moving along nicely too...averaging 200-300 veiws a month since the stats counter was installed.
The real surprise as I mentioned before is Silly Puddy and Stuff...with only 18 posts to it's credit it still attracts quite a few veiwers.
Once we get more than 120 posts in each Blog things should start to pick up even more...from what I've gathered it takes at least 100 posts to spark any real interest.
Promotion is going much as time and patience allows...slow but steady! ;)
Next year looks real far we've generated well over 6000 page veiws total, closer to 6400...that's how many times our sites have been visited or re-visited...that works out to someone visiting us approximately every 19 minutes.
I don't think any other Blog/s 74 days old could do better than that....just imagine where we'll be on our first year anniversary! :D
l3lacklce suggested we get rid of Tales from a Convenience he no longer works there, there will be no new material to write...but he's such a good writer I told him we'd keep it up for awhile in case he changes his mind and decides to write again...hopefully some new material will come his's a talent he should definitely pursue!
Eg ;)
Down to 13...

I regret to announce the demise of Tech Help for the Non-Technical ( some info has been transfered to The Fox House ) and News Blog Net ( some articles have been transfered to The Cave ) ...
unfortunately they had a low veiwership and were no longer worth the time to keep them up.
If it were solely up to me I'd have kept all the Blogs regardless...but as a working family man, my time is not always my bid them farewell on their travels to the mysterious Blog Graveyard in the Sky.
Eg ;)
We Want You! think yer n' Artist
Do Yah?? probably
drop us a line...
we'd like to see your stuff!
Eg ;)