If you haven't noticed already...five blogs have been removed from the list...
1. The Animal Park
2. Relyt Island Paradise
3. The Bargain Warehouse
4. The Music Monsters
5. Eleven Dot Dot Com
My original goal was to have 12 successful blogs...successful in that they were generating enough interest to warrant spending time on promoting them...these 5 were generating virtually no interest and therefore I could not justify spending hours promoting them.
As time passes other blogs may go and new ones may be created...until we reach that stage where we have 12 active and promotable blogs...and when we reach that stage we will begin the full promotion of each.
The ultimate goal is to have each blog on the first page on every major search engine...we've done that once with Egalitarian Graphics without a full promotional package...I am confident we can do this with every blog that meets the minimal criteria.
We are blogs competing against websites...we are new...fresh...and they won't even see us coming :D
Eg ;)
Surprising Results

I have to admit I did not expect this...but the top 5 blogs ( not including this one )...pre-promotion...are :
1. Silly Puddy and Stuff ( huge surprise! )
2. The Und3rtak3r's Realm ( no surprise )
3. The Anti-Lounge ( a little surprised )
4. Tech Help for the Non-Technical ( big surprise! )
5. and a tie for 5th between : Tales from the Conveinience Store ( taking off fast...I installed the counters here last )...and
Movie Cinema ( no surprise )
mind you these results are only since I installed the counters ( about a week ago ) and before any promotion of these sites has occurred ( some were mildly promoted today...a few moments ago ) ...
so essentially these results are based upon member veiwing and visitors linking to the other blogs via this blog.

We are still looking for artists, writers, reveiwers, photographers,
jokes, sports commentators, music buffs, etc...who would like to
submit their work to be displayed on our blogs.
We realize we are new to blogging but those who get on board
early will reap the rewards of our later successes...so...if you or someone
you know would like to make contributions...NOW is the time or the boat
may pass you by.
Regular contributors will be considered for future membership...and all work
submitted REMAINS the sole property of the submitter.
Don't miss this boat! The time and the opportunity is NOW!
Search Engine Update
Day 24...yes folks we're only 24 days old...
Presently we are sitting at...
number 19 on the second page with Google...out of 73,500 ( a large increase from the 26,000 when we were number 6 on the first page )
number 1 and 2 on MSN...unchanged since the last update...out of 18,926
number 1 on Yahoo...out of 102,000
Also...The Animal Park, Relyt Island Paradise, and Movie Cinema are also listed independantly on the first page of MSN
not too shabby for under a month!
Mona Lisa...you go girl!

Boy! Is this one old!...sheeeeeesh!
I drew this puppy so long ago there's
not much left of the old lady!
Because it's just a pencil sketch I'm
assuming it was originally a doodle.
Faded and aged but she's still kickin'...
guess old birds are hard to get rid of. :D
The original...mine not Leo's...was actually
smaller than this...go figure?!
If you're using a browser other than Firefox...the sites may not look the same...for instance the name ' Silly Puddy and Stuff ' comes up in IE but not Firefox...and in IE the titles ' Egalitarian Graphics ' and ' The Anti-Lounge ' are well off to the right side, but not in Firefox...
these incidentals will eventually be worked out.
Eg ;)

As you might have guessed...
another installment in the zoo submission...
over the years it's lost some of it's quality
I've cropped out some of it ...
but, all-in-all, it's one of my favorites.
Frederick Douglass

A great American historical figure and the first black man to run for the Presidential Office ( don't ask me what year...but it was in the 1800's )...
Another picture I designed for African American History Month ( February)...
Illustrated from a photo of him.
Apparently there must be a problem with our image source or blogger...hope it will be fixed soon.
A Breakdown of Our Blogs
This is a simple breakdown of our blogs...a fast and simple way for visitors to find what you're looking for...periodically, this list will be re-posted and updated...
Our General Blogs :Egalitarian Graphics : presently it only displays my artwork but I hope others will also display theirs as well...also the blog that has these kind of messages
The Space Oddessey :
for pictures and space related news and opinions
News Blog Net : news headlines of the day and commentary
The Games Room : a place to play some games
Movie Cinema : reveiws and opinions regarding movies, film, documentaries, even television
What!? You must be joking! : jokes
The Music Monsters : the place to talk jazz, rock, blues, reggae, heavy metal, punk, whatever music suits your fancy
The Cave : feeling religious or philosophical...this is the place to be
Tech Help for the Non-Technical : useful tips on how to improve the quality or performance of your computer and programs, advice on programming, security, and the internet.
The Bargain Warehouse : free deals we find on the internet, and products members wish to sell or trade
Silly Puddy and Stuff : funny pictures, comments, games, the name pretty much speaks for itself
The Animal Park : anything related to animals, pictures, pets, commentary, etc...
Our Specialty Blogs : The Anti-Lounge : the
place to relax and take a load off, vent frustrations, air grievances, or just vegetate, whatever suits the mood you're in
Eleven Dot Dot Com : another lounge
but with an added feature to be at two places at once...here, and back at AO at the same time...and yes, we can post just as if we were there
Our Member Blogs :The Fox House : anything he wants to say...and take your shoes off before entering
Debs Little Dungeon : if you like a woman with a mind of her own you'll love Debs...we all do
Relyt Island Paradise : if you can get past the bevy of beauties laying on Relyt's beach you might be invited to read a few words of his wisdom
Jinxy's Hideaway : may not have much to say but what he does say is well worth reading
Mel's Photography Studio : if you like really excellent photos you do not want to pass this by, with occasional commentary by Mel herself
well...there you have it...something for everyone...where else do you really need to be?
Note : many blogs are still unfinished...please be patient we will complete them soon. Thanks!
Information to Members
Information to Members: Just in case you are unaware of it...you do not need to go to the blogs to post...there is an item called ' blog this '...I know it is a standard feature in Firefox Bookmarks...don't know about IE...by clicking on blog this a pop-up appears allowing you to do what I am doing now...posting from where you are...this is being posted from AO.
If you have any questions concerning this PM me .
Eg ;)
Some of our Blogs are nearing completion and will be promoted soon.
Two of those Blogs that deserve to be checked out would be The Fox House...daFox is a motorcycle enthusiast who also offers advice and consulting in the area of IT...and...
Mel's Photography Studio...Melissa is a wonderful photographer with a very special flair and may soon be offering her services to the public as well.
Seems to be an error
Hoping it is a problem with our image server rather than a problem with our code.
Art really is One-Of-A-Kind

Art is what it is...there are no hard and fast rules...whether you're a fine art painter, a sculptor, a set designer, a cartoonist, a computer graphics designer, a whiz at the spray can, or an air brush, etc...everyone has their own unique style...their own flair.
Each artist brings into the world something that never before existed...something unique that only he/she could have created...this is why two artists will never draw the same picture...because each picture is unique to them...and could not exist otherwise...
for instance...the picture above is something that only I could have drawn...you will not ever see another picture by another artist exactly like it...unless it was copied from mine. Of course, I am speaking in terms of original art.
This is the uniqueness of art...which gives a person a special appreciation for it...every time I look at a person's art I am impressed by it's originality and special nature...who else but Dr. Seuss could have created The Cat in the Hat?...if he didn't, it would never have be made, by anyone.
Kudos! for Dr. Seuss...I really enjoyed your books!
Message to Visitors
We welcome you to our Blogs and hope you like the look and feel of them enough to want to come by more often...and even invite people to come with you.
By anyone's standards we are new to Blogging and so we are constantly in an improvement mood to upgrade at every opportunity...changes are always in the works to make each Blog better than it is now.
With the inclusion of Members we hope that posting activity will increase our audience...and have you coming back for more.
We even invite your suggestions on how we can improve the sites and welcome your comments...also feel free to vote on the poll down on the right side.
If you feel you'd like to contribute to this site as a Member...please leave a comment to that effect and a link to your site or forum so we can determine from what you've written before if you qualify to be a Member. We are a family oriented site so we tend to avoid vulgar or offensive language....which is unnecessary to get a point across anyways.
We sincerely hope you enjoy our Blogs and come back often.
Freestyle Championships

Even though Skip-roping/Double-Dutch
is not a popular sport in Canada...
it is a very popular sport in America...and
this artwork was done for tee-shirts
to be sold at one of
their event Championships.

Another animal picture...surprise...surprise...
This cougar/mountain lion/puma I drew a
while back...
and there's no sense asking me why...because I really
don't remember.
Presently, I use it as one of my rotating avatars on
a forum I attend.
Pop Can

Another early attempt at
using only watercolor.
This wasn't done for any
particular purpose...
just as an experiment
in watercolor application.

This picture was another picture designed for a zoo.
Unfortunately, I do not have the final colored version, I really have no idea where it is.
This was one of my very first attempts of using watercolors alone.
Normally I would first pencil the design then apply
ink and then watercolor...with this design I skipped the first two processes.
We are still looking for other
Freehand Illustrators...professional or amatuer...to become members of this Blog to promote and advertise your work. If interested, leave a comment with your information.
We are also looking for
Exchange Partners...other Blogs who would be interested in exchanging links. If you have a family oriented site and would like to link leave a comment and the link, we will be in touch with you. We, however,
will not respond to Spam messages...only requests for exchanges.