Welcome Debs first post !

We invite you to visit Debs in the Dungeon...but I'm sure you'll find her posting in the other Blogs as well...so...
check out them all!
Scrolling can be good for your eyes!
Please!...scroll down to our other blogs...most are unfinished,
however, we do feel they will be very active soon..
.and well worth discovering.
Notable: Check out
The Fox house! and
Jinxy's Hideaway...
and our Newest additions...
Debs Little Dungeon and
Relyt Island Paradise...once they are up and running
you won't want to be anyplace else!
Poetry Reading

This is a part of a poster I did for a Californian
Restauranteur who belonged to a poetry club.
The poster was called " Young America we
need to see the light "...
or...at least I think it was.
It was a long time ago.
Cards from the Other Side

I designed this...among others...
as a selection of weird cards...
more specifically...greeting cards.
Obviously not the typical type
of greeting cards...but...
suitable for the shop that
was going to sell them.
Not designed with mother in mind.
Say Hi...Socrates!

Hi!...This is Socrates...well...you can't really see him, as he's presently occupied with reading the newspaper comics...but...trust me, it's him.
I created Socrates a long time ago to syndicate through newspapers...unfortunately, Socrates never even got mailed.
I started working on another project...then another...and poor Socrates sat there and collected dust along with other projects that never got finished.
Occasionally, I will show the strips I made...8-10 I believe...if, that is, I can find them.
Say bye Socrates!...hummmmmm...I guess he's still busy.
Oh, well...he'll be back...I'm sure.
A Message from Egaladeist
Yes!...We have made it to
Number 6 on the
First Page on Google! Soon we will be number one...
I hope.
Welcome Jinxy's first post !!!

Well...frig!...it's about time don't you think!
I assume you can post in ' all ' the blogs and not just this one? If there's a problem posting in the other blogs let me or foxy know so we can figure it out!
Welcome Aboard!
Warriors vs Eagles

One of the differences between schools in Canada and those in the States is school pride.
Americans are very oriented to promoting their school events and, as a result, I did a lot of artwork for these events.
Much focusing on sports.
I don't remember these particular school's names, but I had obviously done this for a game of Warriors vs Eagles...likely either for football or basketball...as they were popular assignments.
Given that it is in black and white with minimum detail ( the school colors would be added through the silk-screen method later )...likely for a tee-shirt to be sold at the game.
On and Off Site Reviews
WebDeveloper.comhansons said: i have seen ur website.it looks great..........
On site:Basf Willy lol said:I must tell you you r doing a wonderful job. pls keep it up!
AdsenseLabs.com said:Nice blog!
kalyn112joan said:damn good blog
tonyyy said:Love your blog ! I'm bookmarking you!
Kerry said:Thanks, you really have some interesting stuff on your site. keep at it.
Kevin said:Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
StatCounter Free invisible Web tracker, Hit counter and Web statsThe Gent said:
You've got some nice art on your blog
raysor said:It`s a great site for the visuals and the originality of the work. The style of writing is also appealing/interesting. Trouble is it leaves you wanting more!
Keep up the good work.
At... Blogger Forum - Forum
badatta2de said:Just left ya a comment. Looks great so far!!!!!
just a beginning!
We are officially Number 8 on the first page on Google!!!!
Yes...when you look up this site we are
listed as the top three and this site itself
number 8 on the First Page
of over 26,000 entries!!!
This is a sketch originally done
for a small family project.
Another Stanford vs Berkley Game

This is another installment from a
Stanford vs Berkley football game.
Half the picture is missing...it has a
Berkley Bear shoving a Stanford
player down the toilet using the
Stanford tree.
Don't remember who actually
won that game.
Cowboy Boot

This artwork was designed around a country and western theme for a company picnic.
This was one of the sketches I presented.
Originally drawn on a regular sheet of lined paper...you can still see the lines in the piece.
Surrealistic Portrait

I was actually asked to do this
as a surrealistic portait for a
friend of mine.
It was originally penciled...
then inked...
then I applied watercolour.
All my artwork is done Freehand
and without any other aids.
Stanford vs Berkley
This artwork was done for a tee-shirt
Promoting a football game between Stanford and Berkley Universities.
The color was added later during the silk-screen process.
Malcolm X

This was one of several pictures I created for African American History Month
while I was in California.
Many of those pictures ended up on tee-shirts, in local newspapers, and used
by various African American organizations.
My personal favorite...this one...never got used.
However, one almost identical to this one did end up on the cover of a
California publication.
Micheal Jordan

This is just a sketch I doodled
of Micheal Jordan while I was
thinking of a job involving a
sports theme...
sometimes random doodles
free the mind!

This picture is of a dorm at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California.
I was requested by the dorm to do this picture for a tee-shirt design...to which they would add their own flavor of words.
This was one of the submisions for that job.
The Lion Cub

The third installment of that collection that was submitted to the same zoo.
The one that they accepted cannot be shown as I have a policy that once a piece of artwork is purchased it then belongs to the one who purchased it.
Therefore, I regret I cannot show any work of mine that has been sold...all the work on display were actually pieces that were rejected in favor of another piece in the submission.
Unlike many other artists I do not retain any rights to sold and paid for work...nor do I keep any pieces of sold work on hand, all work related to that particular piece is handed over upon payment.
Black Jesus

At one point I had a great opportunity of seeing life from the other side...that is to say as a minority.
I spent three years living in an area that was approximately 95% African American, 4% South Asian and Hispanic, and 1% everything else.
I was perhaps one of only a dozen white men I saw in that area...and half of them didn't live in the area ( they only operated businesses, and went home to their ' safe ' communities when they closed up shop for the day ).
This gave me an opportunity to learn about another culture and discover if all the steriotypical nonsense was true...as well as ply my trade in a new way.
During these three years I acted as the illustrator for a small silk-screen outfit that was located in what they affectionately called ' hell's door '...there were your typical assortment of homeless, gangs, dealers...all within a block of where I worked...as I had no car I would have to walk through them to get to where I was going every day.
At first it was quite un-nerving...having been brought up in Canada and having been subjected to a negative view of poor black areas through American movies...naturally, I expected the worst...especially walking home at night.
But...after a while...I realized most of what I expected was just American hype.
Aside from the time we were broken into, and a few threats by gangs, no one bothered me and I had no problems.
In fact...it was very apparent that there was a very strong and vibrant community there that, for the most part, welcomed me with open arms.
Through the silk-screen shop I produced work specifically geared to the African American market...the shop was run by two African Americans of which one was a member of APA ( Alpha Phi Alpha )...the fraternity of which Martin Luthur King Jr. was a member ( Morehouse University in Atlanta ).
This work shown was one of many versions of an African American Jesus I designed for that market.
River Tigers

This is another Freehand Illustration that was part of the zoo submission mentioned previously...
this picture and the previous two were done with pen and watercolors on standard stock paper...
my services are available through this site...leave a detailed comment with contact information if you are considering using my services as an illustrator.
Laughing Tiger

Originally one of four different designs created for a Canadian Zoo several years ago for tee-shirts...I tried to capture the impression of a tiger in a state of smiling/laughing...hence, the title.
Those looking for the services of a Freehand Graphic Illustrator are invited to leave information in the comments section. All artwork is Original and done Freehand.
As mentioned before...

we are looking for talented ' new ' artists who would be interested in displaying their work on a multi-artist web site...post comments if interested.
Graphic Artists Wanted
I'm looking for graphic artists and illustrators to eventually show their stuff on this blog...if interested leave comment.