With much regret

I simply don't have the time to keep all these blogs updated and alive by myself...I could go the popular route and create political blogs, or blogs that critique new products, or ones that serve no other purpose than to link to other blogs, or the ones you see that follow a specific religious theme, etc...there are certain themes that go well to draw in an audience...but my main focus was to create a group of blogs that form a community...in the best sense of that word....luckily, thanks to the members here there are some blogs that I don't have to worry about and I can post whenever I feel like...but there still are some blogs that need my constant attention just to keep them alive.
Some blogs I keep...because I really like the template, or structure, or the concept of them...as an example the Sports at a Glance blog...I find myself keeping it around simply because I love sports and I think the template is perfect for a sports theme....but there's really no point in keeping it...if you really think about it...because it simply isn't used.
There never is just one reason to do anything...and I had several reasons for creating these blogs...and one of those reasons was to attempt to create a small community of friends that could discuss a wide variety of topics from sports to music, from religion and philosophy to jokes and humor, have a place to play games, and talk about life.
And then...eventually...translate that to a website...and have everything in one place.
But the truth be told...I'm probably too organizationalist...I like having everything in it's own place...much like my life...I like to have everything where it belongs and where I can find it...neat, and easy to locate.
By contrast my daughters are slobs :D ...I'd have better luck getting NASA to build me my own private shuttle than getting them to clean their room :D
Eg ;)